
21.1.2025 | Oznámení fůze společnostíOznámení o fůzi společností KomTeS SK s.r.o., WebEye Slovakia s.r.o., Aldobec technologies, s.r.o. a W.A.G. payment solutions SK, s.r.o. |
30.12.2024 | Změna sazeb stravného od 1.1.2025Od 1.1.2025 dochází ke změnám sazeb stravného. Webdispečink připravil tyto nové sazby. Import nových sazeb strávného si prosím proveďte v Nastavení - číselníky - stravné - import základních sazeb stravného na rok 2025. |
22.10.2024 | Nedostupnost služeb WebdispečinkDne 22.10.2024 v době od 22:00 do 22:20 bude probíhat údržba serverů Webdispečinku. V této době nebudou služby Webdispečinku dostupné, včetně mobilních aplikací a API rozhraní. Děkujeme za pochopení. |
17.10.2024 | Oznámení fůze společnostíOznámení o fůzi společností Princip a.s. a Komtes Chrudim s.r.o. |
21.5.2024 | Aktualizace prohlížečů zpomalí WebdispečinkPo aktualizaci prohlížeče Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome dochází k tomu, že některé komponenty na stránkách webdispecink.cz se vykreslují pomaleji než dříve. To je způsobeno chybou aktualizace jádra prohlížeče. Výrobce již má problém nahlášen a připravuje opravu. Zatím nevíme, kdy bude oprava zveřejněna. Dočasně doporučujeme neprovádět aktualizace těchto prohlížečů, případně využít alternativního prohlížeče například FireFox. |
20.1.2023 | NOTICE - Import your new meal allowance ratesCheck out your current meal rates for 2023. And read our news for the new year. |
23.11.2022 | Neaktuální polohy vozidel SIM VodafoneVážení zákazníci, kvůli výpadku GSM sítě Vodafone nemají některá vozidla aktuální polohu. Jedná se o vozidla používající SIM kartu Vodafone Global SIM. Veškerá data z vozidel se dohrají do aplikace Webdispečink automaticky po obnovení GSM služeb. Na odstranění problému usilovně pracujeme s dodavatelem služeb. Omlouváme se za komplikace. Váš Webdispečink tým. |
3.11.2022 | Planned maintenance of WebdispecinkDear clients, due to the improvement of the quality of our services, will be on November 6.-7. in 2022 between , the planned maintenance of 10.00pm - 1:00am the Webdispecink system will take place. During this period, there may be a short-term reduction in the services provided. Thank you for your understanding. Your Webdispecink team. |
24.10.2022 | Planned maintenance of WebdispecinkDear clients, due to the improvement of the quality of our services, will be on October 25. in 2022 between , the planned maintenance of 4.30am - 5:00am the Webdispecink system will take place. During this period, there may be a short-term reduction in the services provided. Thank you for your understanding. Your Webdispecink team. |
24.10.2022 | Planned maintenance of WebdispecinkDear clients, due to the improvement of the quality of our services, will be on October 25. in 2022 between , the planned maintenance of 4.30am - 5:00am the Webdispecink system will take place. During this period, there may be a short-term reduction in the services provided. Thank you for your understanding. Your Webdispecink team. |
6.10.2022 | Planned maintenance of WebdispecinkDear clients, due to the improvement of the quality of our services, will be on October 6. in 2022 between , the planned maintenance of 10.00pm - 11:00pm the Webdispecink system will take place. During this period, there may be a short-term reduction in the services provided. Thank you for your understanding. Your Webdispecink team. |
22.9.2022 | Planned maintenance of WebdispecinkDear clients, due to the improvement of the quality of our services, will be on May 25. in 2022 between , the planned maintenance of 10.00pm - 11:00pm the Webdispecink system will take place. During this period, there may be a short-term reduction in the services provided. Thank you for your understanding. Your Webdispecink team. |
24.5.2022 | Short-term outage of the Webdispečink systemDear clients, due to the improvement of the quality of our services, will be on May 25. in 2022 between , the planned maintenance of 10.00pm - 11:00pm the Webdispecink system will take place. During this period, there may be a short-term reduction in the services provided. Thank you for your understanding. Your Webdispecink team. |
8.3.2022 | Short-term outage of the Webdispečink systemDear Customer, We would like to inform you that there have been several short-term outages of the Webdispečink system in the past few days. The services operated in our provider's data center have been the target of a cyber attack, which has indirectly affected the availability of our system as well. Please be assured that the security of client data was not affected in any way, the Webdispečink system was not the direct target of this attack. The Data Center operator has at this moment active protection elements that can automatically identify and block the attack within a few minutes. We are working intensively on further partial measures. We apologize for any inconvenience. Your Webdispecink team |
23.2.2022 | Planned maintenance of WebdispecinkDear clients, due to the improvement of the quality of our services, will be on February 24. in 2022 between , the planned maintenance of 10.00pm - 11:00pm the Webdispecink system will take place. During this period, there may be a short-term reduction in the services provided. Thank you for your understanding. Your Webdispecink team. |
6.1.2022 | Nedostupnost služeb WebdispečinkVážení klienti, v rámci údržby systému Webdispečink nebude dne 7.1. 2022 v době od 22:00 do 23:00 systém Webdispečink dostupný, včetně API rozhraní. Děkujeme za pochopení. |
20.7.2021 | ÚPRAVA HODNOCENÍ V PERFECT DRIVEV průběhu července jsme nasadili úpravu Perfect Drive (hodnocení stylu jízdy řidiče nákladních vozidel), která přihlíží k celkové hmotnosti soupravy. Například při větší hmotnosti soupravy by měl řidič dosahovat i větších hodnot v parametru DOBA JÍZDY BEZ SPOTŘEBY PALIVA + ECOROLL |
11.6.2021 | Nedostupnost služeb WebdispečinkVážení klienti, v rámci údržby systému Webdispečink nebude dne 12.6. v době od 22:00h do 23:00h systém Webdispečink dostupný, včetně API rozhraní. Děkujeme za pochopení. |
7.5.2021 | Nedostupnost služeb WebdispečinkVážení klienti, v rámci údržby systému Webdispečink nebude dne 7.5. v době od 22:00h do 23:00h systém Webdispečink dostupný, včetně API rozhraní. Děkujeme za pochopení. |
29.1.2021 | 31.3.2021 již proběhne ukončení podpory TLS 1.0 a 1.1 na API rozhraní WebdispečinkuVážení zákazníci,
18.12.2020 | Provozní doba během vánočních svátkůVážení zákazníci, |
11.11.2020 | Dear clients, due to the improvement of the quality of our services, will be on November 14-15 In 2020, the planned maintenance of the Webdispecink system will take place. During this period, there may be a short-term reduction in the services provided. Thank you for your understanding. Your Webdispecink team. |
3.11.2020 | NOTICE – Turn off/ disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 on the API Webdispecink - we postpone the deadlineDear customers, |
On Semptember 29, 2020, from 4:00am to 5:00am, the planned maintenance of the systems in the data center will take place. For this reason, the Webdispecink services will be unavailable for 15 minutes at the specified time. Thank you for your understanding.
20.8.2020 | Data from the vehicleIn August Webdispecink News magazine we will introduce news " Data from the vehicle". |
27.7.2020 | Alarms when driving outside working hoursIn Jul Webdispecink News magazine we will introduce news "Alarms when driving outside working hours". |
1.7.2020 | NOTICE – Turn off/ disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 on the API WebdispecinkDear customers, |
20.6.2020 | GSM company card readerIn June Webdispecink News magazine we will introduce news "GSM company card reader". |
29.5.2020 | Driving style in truck transport and New Deadline closing guideIn May Webdispecink News magazine, we will introduce news "Driving style in truck transport - PERFECT DRIVE". |
28.4.2020 | Support of files from SMART tachographIn April Webdispecink News magazine we will introduce news "Support of files from SMART tachograph". |
20.4.2020 | Turn off/ disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1Dear WebDispecink users, If your browser is outdated then website www.webdispecink.cz will not be available from 1.6. 2020. Please, keep your browser up to date. Devices with latest versions of operating systems and Internet browsers work with latest security protocols. If you have any questions regarding this matter please do not hasitate to contact us, e-mail webdispecink@eurowag.com or call +420 233 555 111. Thank you for your understanding. |
30.3.2020 | Bulk export automatic sendingIn March Webdispecink News magazine, we will introduce news "Bulk export automatic sending". |
2.3.2020 | SERVICE INTERVENTION IN THE DATA CENTERWe would like to inform you in advance about planned service intervention in the data center on 04.03.2020 between 5:00-5:30. At the moment may be unavailability of Webdispecink up to five minutes. |
21.2.2020 | Confirmation of the log book in the mobile application WD MOBILEIn February Webdispecink News magazine, we will introduce news "Confirmation of the log book in the mobile application". |
24.1.2020 | Přegenerování KJVážení klienti, ve dnech 24.1.2020 - 26.1.2020 probíhá hromadné přegenerování KJ. V ojedinělých případech může dojít k výpadku zobrazení Vaší KJ. Omlouváme se za případné komplikace. |
20.1.2020 | Signing to Webdispečink using two phase authenticationIn January Webdispecink News magazine, we will introduce news "Signing to Webdispečink using two phase authentication". |
19.12.2019 | Ready-to-use tablet with app WD Fleet 3DIn December Webdispecink News magazine, we will introduce news "Ready-to-use tablet with app WD Fleet 3D". |
22.11.2019 | News "Change of ride type"In November Webdispecink News magazine, we will introduce news "Change of ride type". |
6.11.2019 | Scheduled maintenance on Webdispečink servicesDear customers, please note that Service Webdispecink, including API will be unavailable between 9pm until 10pm, November 9th We apologize for the inconvenience. |
29.10.2019 | NEWS "Drivers´safety breaks".In October Webdispecink News magazine, we will introduce news "Drivers´safety breaks". |
27.9.2019 | NEWS "Travel order including allowance"In September Webdispecink News magazine, we will introduce news "Travel order including allowance".
28.8.2019 | News "Mobile Application CAR SHARING by EUROWAG"In August Webdispecink News magazine, we will introduce news "Mobile Application CAR SHARING by EUROWAG". |
13.8.2019 | Schedueled maintenance of the WebdispecinkPlease note, on August 24, 2019 from 9pm until 0am Webdispecink will be limited due to schedueled system including API. We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause and thank you for understanding. |
23.7.2019 | News "Setting of displaying agendas to users"In July Webdispecink News magazine, we will introduce news "Setting of displaying agendas to users". |
21.6.2019 | News „Safety breaks“ reportsIn June Webdispecink News magazine, we will introduce news "Safety breaks" reports. |
1.6.2019 | New API functionsIn May Webdispecink News magazine, we will introduce our new API functions |
1.5.2019 | New Portable unit Vetronics 845In April Webdispecink News magazine, we will introduce our new Portable unit Vetronics 845, which is easy to use and carry from one vehicle to another. |
30.3.2019 | CONNECTION TO CARRIER DATACOLD RECORDERSYou will find out more about the Forwarding module news in March Webdispecink News magazine. Furthermore, we have prepared a new feature which alows you to provide a connection to CARRIER Datacold 600 a Datacold 500 recorders. |
28.2.2019 | We have added two new features - 2 types of alarmIn February Webdispecink News magazine, we will introduce our new additional features - "Non-responding vehicle unit alarm" and "Stationary vehicle alarm". |
31.1.2019 | Automatic fuel import from EUROWAG cardsWe would like to announce a new added feature Automatic fuel import from Eurowag cards. You will find more detailed information about it in January Webdispecink News Magazine. |
19.8.2011 | Odstávka službyV době od 22:00 do 20.8.2011 6:00 proběhne technická údržba na IT infrastruktuře. Z tohoto důvodu může dojít ke krátkodobé nedostupnosti služby. |